Classical Showcase
Happy Lovers Jean-Honor é Fragonard (1751) The Classical Era was mainly characterized by two art styles of the time, being the Rococo and Neoclassical styles. Depicted above is Happy Lovers, a Rococo piece by Jean-Honor é Fragonard painted in London under a commission. This style of art was often put to use in depicting lavish pastimes of the nobility, as well as demonstrating a level of indulgence and comfort. As shown in the above painting, a woman dangles a birdcage above her absolutely transfixed lover, illustrating how captivated he is by her beauty. This kind of painting, with its garden setting, vibrant colors, and curving lines, is unmistakably Rococo. These paintings were often commissioned by aristocrats for display in more intimate areas of homes and properties. The general moral consciousness of the time would find something like this hung in the open for guests to see to be risqué or indecent. Despite this, works such as these flourished...